January 31, 2011

flora grubb: (san francisco)

photos from dwell
2003: flora grubb and her business partner saul nadler opened a small garden shop in the mission district of san francisco. the neighborhood nursery soon became a destination for gardeners from all over the bay area. four years later flora and saul moved to an industrial part of town and opened a 8,000 sq. ft. shop in the bayview district. a brilliant combination of plant nursery, garden-supply store, coffee shop, and botanical garden, flora gubb instantly became an institution and urban oasis.

the staff at flora grubb is knowledgeable and patient, the prices for plants are reasonable, and the architecture of the place is inspired. well worth a visit for anyone interested in urban gardening, innovative public spaces, or a good place to chill out for a few hours.

courtesy of flora grubb

the next time you find yourself in the city by the bay, make your way to flora grubb and soak up the plant love.

become a fan of flora grubb on facebook

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